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About us

After the domain reform in Estonia, individuals lost the option to get yourname.pri.ee domain (the official domain for individuals in Estonia) for free. Many Internet enthusiast were disturbed by the situation. Two of them were Anton and Erik. But instead of whining, they used their chance to change it within 48 hours at Garage48 Tallinn. Hannes, Tanja and Alvar joined the team. Within 48 hours era.ee - a free and working domain registration service was born. We didn’t stop just there, but created a verified option to link your personal domain to your existing homepage, redirect to your Facebook or LinkedIn profile page or easily set up a custom profile page. Yet, that’s not it. More still to come. Follow, support and talk to us on Facebook, Twitter.

The project is non profit and relies on the contributors and the support of good people - be one of us, donate and offer your support. Thank you!

Meet the team

  • Anton Keks - front-end, back-end, up-end.. can code in every position in every language everything you need. One of the initiators of the idea. Works daily at Codeborne.
  • Erik Jõgi - a good friend of Anton. Often found pair-programming with Anton. All the other things as for Anton: front-back-up-down-abowe-under. Proposed the idea with Anton. He is also at Codeborne.
  • Hannes Lents - does not know anything about coding, but but is good with people, in relationships, does business and rules the stage. He is daily as a dad.
  • Tatjana Tšernõhh - makes our site to look nice. She is so good, she does it blind-folded and does it every day.
  • Alvar Lumberg - felt that the best thing to do is to code with his friends at the weekend with no money and came by the tweet just like that. Got crazy with the project and didn’t leave the team anymore. It happens often with him at Codeborne.
  • We got lot of help also from Jaen Saul, Filipp Keks and Marek Kusmin. Thank you, guys, and thank you our early supporters at Garage48 Tallinn, Facebook and Twitter followers.